Гомельский государственный технический университет имени П.О.Сухого

Основные научные публикации за 2009-10 гг.

Перечень основных научных публикаций в реферируемых журналах и сборниках конференций

1) P. Osland, A.A. Pankov, N. Paver and A.V. Tsytrinov, 
Spin identification of the Randall-Sundrum resonance in lepton-pair production at the LHC
Physical Review D79, 115021 (2009).

2) A.V. Tsytrinov, A.A. Pankov,
Probing and identifying large extra dimensions at the hadron and lepton colliders.
Nonlin. Phenom. Comp. Syst. V.12:2, (2009)  159.

3) A.A. Babich, A.A. Pankov, A.V. Tsytrinov, N.V. Karpenko,
Probing and identifying large extra dimensions at the hadron and lepton colliders.
Nonlin. Phenom. Comp. Syst. V.12:1, (2009)  61.

4) P. Osland, A.A. Pankov, N. Paver, A.V. Tsytrinov, 
Spin identification of the Randall-Sundrum graviton at the LHC.
Spin-2008, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, 2008, AIP Conf. Proc. 1149:219-224, 2009.

5) P. Osland, A.A. Pankov, and A.V. Tsytrinov,
Identification of extra neutral gauge bosons at the International Linear Collider,
European Physical Journal, C  (2010) 10.1140.

6)  P. Osland, A.A. Pankov, N. Paver and A.V. Tsytrinov, 
Sneutrino identification in dilepton events at  the LHC.
Physical Review D82, (2010)  (proofs available)
arXiv:1008.1389 [hep-ph].

7) V.V. Andreev, V.V. Andreev and A.A. Pankov,
Electromagnetic structure of W- bosons in the e+e- à W+  W-  reaction,
Russ. Phys. J. V.53 (2010) 15.

8) I.A. Serenkova and A.A. Pankov,
Determination Of The Spin Of The Narrow Graviton Kaluza-Klein Resonances In
The Process Of Lepton Pair Production In The Large Hadron Collider For The Atlas Experiment,
Russ. Phys. J. V.53, 172 (2010).

9) A.A. Babich, A.A. Pankov, A.V. Tsytrinov and N.V. Karpenko,
Searches for new neutral gauge Z' bosons at the e+e-  International  Linear Collider and their identification,
Phys. Atom. Nucl. V. 73 (2010) 773.

10)  I.A. Serenkova, A.A. Pankov, A.V. Tsytrinov and V.A. Bednyakov,
Spin identification of graviton resonances in the process p p à e+ e- +  X at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC),
Phys.  Atom.  Nucl.  73 (2010) 1266.
11) A.A. Pankov, I.A. Serenkova and A.V. Tsytrinov,
Spin Determination of Randall-Sundrum Graviton Excitations  Decaying Into Two Photons at the LHC with ATLAS,
Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, V.13, N1  (2010)  85.

12) A.A. Pankov, I.A. Serenkova and A.V. Tsytrinov,
Spin-Identification of Randall-Sundrum Resonances in Dilepton and Diphoton Production 
Processes At The Large Hadron Collider With Atlas Experiment,
3-rd International Conference Current Problems and Atomic Energy (NPAE-Kiev 2010),
June 7 -- 12, 2010, Kiev, Ukraine, P. 75-- 80.

13) A. A. Панков, А.В. Цитринов, И.A. Серенкова,
Определение спина гравитонных резонансов Калуцы-Клейна в процессе рождения
электронных и фотонных пар на Большом адроном  коллайдере в эксперименте АТЛАС.
Вестник ГГТУ им. П.О.Сухого, 2010, N3, с. 35 -- 40. (in russian)

14) P. Osland, A.A. Pankov, N. Paver and A.V. Tsytrinov,
Spin identification of heavy nonstandard bosons in dilepton and diphoton events at the LHC,
arXiv:1012.1456 [hep-ph].

15) P. Osland, A.A. Pankov, N. Paver and A.V. Tsytrinov,
Signals of Warped Extra Dimensions at the LHC,
arXiv:1008.4531 [hep-ph].