Гомельский государственный технический университет имени П.О.Сухого

Новые поступления электронной библиотеки

Далинчук, А. М.

Произведена оценка электрических, технических и конструктивных параметров компактных воздушных линий сеточного типа по сравнению с традиционными линиями электропередачи.

The electrical, technical and design parameters of compact grid-type overhead lines were
evaluated in comparison with traditional power lines.

Kurachka, K., Kamrakou, U., Zakharenko, V.

Professional skills, as opposed to interpersonal skills, are types of skills that students learn in university. These skills are easy to quantify. The proficiency in these skills is easy to verify. Soft skills
cannot be measured and tested as simply as professional skills. The authors highlight the most indemand soft skills among employers. The article presents the results of several surveys of employers about the important requirements for jobseekers required for employment. Similar surveys
were conducted among employers and employees of IT companies in the Republic of Belarus. It
is concluded that soft skills are very important both for getting a first job and building a successful career. However, in the universities of the Republic of Belarus, teaching soft skills is poorly represented. The article shows how
the process of teaching students of the second stage of higher education was modernized. Only the IT specialties of five Belarusian
universities have undergone modernization. This work was carried out with the support of the international project MaCICT. At the
same time, the experience of teaching similar disciplines in the universities of the European Union was used. To assess the effectiveness of students’ acquisition of soft skills at the university, a system for assessing the results of the modernization of the learning
process was developed. Questionnaires for teachers, students and employees of IT companies have been developed. A survey of all
stakeholders in the results of the international project MaCICT was carried out. The paper provides information on the dissemination of the main approaches for organizing the teaching of IT specialties for teachers of another specialties of the Sukhoi State
Technical University of Gomel, as well as for teaching IT disciplines of another universities in the Gomel region.

Мазурова, А. С.

На основании зарегистрированных осциллограмм определены значения коэффициентов гармонических составляющих напряжения и тока и суммарных коэффициентов гармонических составляющих напряжения и тока при работе бытовых светодиодных ламп.

On the basis of the registered waveforms, the values of the coefficients of the harmonic components of voltage and current and the total coefficients of the harmonic components of voltage
and current are determined during the operation of household LED lamps.

Жук, Е. А.

Рассмотрены различные методики, позволяющие трактовать полученные результаты поазному, что в свою очередь может привести к наличию дефекта в дорогостоящем
и важном оборудовании, которое может выйти из строя в достаточно быстрый период

Various techniques allow us to interpret the results obtained in completely different ways,
which in turn can lead to the presence of a defect in expensive and important equipment that can
fail in a fairly fast period of time.

Панасик, В. А.

Выполнен анализ научной литературы по газовому и электрическому печному технологическому оборудованию. Определены преимущества применения электрических печей по
сравнению с газовыми.

The analysis of scientific literature on gas and electric furnace technological equipment is
carried out. The advantages of using electric furnaces in comparison with gas ones are determined.

Маркевич, В. А.

Рассмотрены способы повышения надежности работы микропроцессорных устройств релейной защиты и автоматики, использующих оптоволоконные каналы связи.

Ways to improve the reliability of the operation of microprocessor relay protection and
automation devices using fiber optic communication channels are considered.

Запольский, А. Е., Бондаренко, Р. С.

Проведен анализ рынка систем управления «умными теплицами», а также анализ как
мировых производителей, так и производителей из Беларуси. Сформирована и оформлена
бизнес-модель проекта собственного решения.

The paper provides an analysis of the market of smart greenhouse management systems,
an analysis of both world manufacturers and manufacturers from Belarus, in addition, a business
model of the project of its own solution has been formed and framed.

Леонова, Ю. С.

Представлен обзор современных датчиков, которые позиционируются как элементы
Интернета вещей, используемые на транспорте. Приведены особенности их работы и использования в процессе перевозки грузов на разных видах транспорта. Использование инновационных элементов Интернета вещей позволяет обеспечивать сохранность перевозимых
грузов, повышение уровня информационного обеспечения о ходе перевозки и интеграцию
транспорта в индустрию 4.0.

An overview of modern sensors that are positioned as elements of the Internet of Things used
in transport is presented. The features of their operation and use in the process of transporting goods on different types of transport are given. The use of innovative elements of the Internet
of Things makes it possible to ensure the safety of transported goods, increase the level
of information support about the progress of transportation and the integration of transport into
industry 4.0.

Матвеенцева, М. В.

Приведен анализ погрешности позиционирования узлов станков с ЧПУ плоскостным
методом. Разработана методика анализа точности. Получены расчетные зависимости и
выполнен их анализ. Приведен пример расчетов.

An analysis of the positioning error of CNC-machine tool components using the planar
method is presented. A methodology for analyzing accuracy has been developed. Calculated
dependencies were obtained and their analysis was performed. An example of calculations is given.

Шереш, В. Д.

Рассмотрен порядок проведения размерного анализа привода прибора. Составлена
размерная цепь и выполнен ее анализ методом максимума-минимума с учетом предельных
отклонений звеньев.

The procedure for conducting dimensional analysis of the device drive is considered.
A dimensional chain was compiled and analyzed by the maximum-minimum method, taking into
account the maximum deviations of the links.

